Growing our Steward Roster

SLOCEA is pleased to announce that, on May 15th, 2024, Janet Soto was appointed by the Board of Directors to serve on the Steward Committee. Janet completed the in-person comprehensive Steward training on May 29th.

Janet is a Behavioral Health Clinician II for Youth Services in Arroyo Grande and has worked for SLO County since January 2023.

Janet is very excited to serve SLOCEA in this capacity and we are thrilled to have Janet as a representative for the Behavioral Health department.  


Why SLOCEA Needs Stewards

By becoming a Steward, you help build a stronger, more informed, and more unified membership and union. Gaining a deep understanding of your rights as a public employee and learning how to advocate in your workplace are crucial steps toward fostering a supportive and equitable work environment.

If you are interested in learning more about the Steward Committee, please contact Senior Labor Representative Theresa Schultz at 805-543-2021 or


Step Into Retirement Benefits FAQS: Part Two


Understanding Parental Leave Timeframes and Benefits