Introducing Newly Appointed Stewards!

At the February 21, 2024 SLOCEA Board of Directors’ meeting, two SLOCEA members were appointed to serve on the Steward Committee. We are happy and proud to introduce…

Megan Beardsely

Megan is a Program Supervisor for Behavioral Health and supervises staff at the Adult Mental Health Services Clinic in Arroyo Grande. Megan first came to work for the County in April 2019 as a Clinician II. She left the County in September 2022 and after a brief period returned in January 2023. With four and a half years of experience with the County, Megan is a perfect fit to serve as a Steward in her work site location. Megan is eager and looks forward to guiding and educating her clinic’s staff on the rights of public employees and the benefits of SLOCEA membership.

Freddy Hernandez

Freddy is an Employment Resources Specialist (ERS) II for the Department of Social Services (DSS) at the Higuera office in San Luis Obispo. Freddy has worked for DSS since February 2021 so he just celebrated his three-year anniversary of County employment. SLOCEA President and Steward Nate Larsen recommended Freddy as a Steward because he is very well regarded among his peers and does an outstanding job as an ERS. The Higuera office, with its three floors, is one of the largest worksite locations of SLOCEA represented employees. Having more than one Steward will be a great benefit for workers in that office.


Thank you, Megan and Freddy, for stepping forward to serve SLOCEA and your co-workers in this meaningful and important way.

Are you looking for a simple way to get involved with SLOCEA?

  • Are you seeking a deeper understanding of your MOU and the negotiations process?

  • Do you want to learn more about what SLOCEA does for its members?

  • Are you looking for a way to get involved with your union?

Serving as a Steward is an easy way to become engaged with your union, while learning a lot along the way. Becoming a Steward is simple. The employee must be a SLOCEA member for at least one year. The Steward candidate meets with SLOCEA staff to discuss the program, criteria and obligations. Next, the member receives ten signatures of support from co-workers that are SLOCEA members, and then requests appointment to the Steward Committee by the Board of Directors.

The purpose of the Steward committee is to help educate and inform members while promoting open channels of communication among workers and SLOCEA, which makes us a stronger and more unified labor union.  If you are interested in learning more, email me at or call our office at 805-543-2021.


By Theresa Schultz, Senior Labor Representative


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