Public Service Spotlight

Mark McCullough's career journey has been one of dedication and service. After 5 years working at UPS and another 12 years at FedEx, Mark transitioned into his current role as an Employment Resource Specialist III for the Department of Social Services (DSS), where he has passionately served for the past 10 years. Despite the passage of a full decade, Mark feels as though time has flown by, a sentiment he attributes to the continuous growth and never-ending change within his role and job duties.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mark actively participated in volunteer pandemic response efforts. His hands-on work included scheduling appointments over the phone for six months, with a focus on assisting elderly individuals. Despite the challenges, Mark found fulfillment in the organizational aspects of his role, which sparked his desire to pursue a degree in Emergency Management in the future.

Outside of work, Mark is a devoted family man with two children, ages 11 and 16, and a menagerie of pets. He finds joy in driving his vintage VW Bug along the back roads of the county, using it to decompress after challenging days.

Mark's commitment to community service extends to his role as a member of SLOCEA’s Board of Directors, where he has served since 2023 and as a Steward since 2016. He has also taken on the task of empowering young umpires, recognizing a shortage in the local softball community, and starting a program to train younger officials.

Inspired by his father, who was a union shop steward for over 45 years with AT&T and a member of the Communication Workers of America (CWA), Mark carries on the legacy of service and advocacy. He is proud to be part of the civil service, finding fulfillment in helping people navigate challenging situations and providing a calming voice in times of distress. One of his earliest experiences with a union was picketing in San Francisco alongside his father, advocating for better wages and healthcare.

Despite the complexities of his role at DSS, Mark finds joy in success stories and positive outcomes. He emphasizes the importance of learning and mastering one's craft, encouraging new employees to stay positive and work hard, a philosophy that has guided him throughout his career.


By Briana Dickey, Administrative Assistant


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