Seeking New Stewards

Are you seeking a deeper understanding of your MOU and the negotiations process? Are you looking for a way to get involved? Do you want to learn more about your union? If so, we are looking for SLOCEA members that want to become engaged with the union by serving as Stewards.

Stewards serve a vital function for SLOCEA. 

SLOCEA Steward Committee

The purpose of the Steward committee is to promote open channels of communication between employees and the union, and to help educate and inform the membership. Having an active and effective Stewards at work-site locations increases member participation, makes for better informed employees, and positively affects member attitudes towards the union. More importantly Stewards help to create a stronger and more unified union. 

Becoming a SLOCEA Steward is simple. The employee must be a SLOCEA member for at least one year. The Steward candidate contacts SLOCEA staff to discuss the program, criteria and obligations. Next, the member receives ten signatures of support from co-workers that are SLOCEA members. The Steward candidate is considered for appointment by the Board of Directors at the next monthly meeting. Subsequent to their appointment, the new Steward receives valuable training and has access to SLOCEA’s OneNote Steward Notebook, an extensive resource guide.

Steward Training

New Steward training consists of a comprehensive two-hour session in which the member is oriented to public employee rights of representation with performance evaluations, disciplinary actions, grievances, appeals, interactive process meetings, counseling sessions and conflict resolutions. The new Steward is introduced to a full range of labor related topics such as collective bargaining, pensions and State reform, unfair labor practices, Civil Service Commission hearings and arbitrations.

 Steward Meetings

Stewards meet bi-monthly at noon over Zoom and discuss relevant topics such as labor relations, strategies in dealing with various work situations, meet and confer updates, while sharing and disseminating information from their various work locations.   


If you want to help build a UNITED, INFORMED and INVOLVED membership by serving as a SLOCEA Steward, please contact the SLOCEA office at 805-543-2021. We look forward to hearing from YOU!!


By Theresa Schultz, Sr Labor Representative

Theresa Schultz

Theresa Schultz is SLOCEA’s Senior Labor Representative. With over 12 years of labor representation experience, she brings sage counsel, strong advocacy and a wealth of historical knowledge to every member interaction.


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