SLOCEA Committees
Executive Committee
Pursuant to SLOCEA Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 2:
“The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the elected Officers of the Association and two members of the Board of Directors. The two (non-Officer) members shall be nominated and elected by the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee shall meet upon order of the President. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to take action on day-to-day problems of the Association and shall prepare recommendations to the Board of Directors. A report of any action taken shall be presented to the Board of Directors at its next regular meeting. Additionally, the Executive Committee shall have authority to review the Associations Bylaws as needed and to recommend amendments for consideration by the Board of Directors. A quorum of the Executive Committee consists of the President or Vice President and any two of the five members.”
In addition to the powers and responsibilities derived from the Bylaws, the Executive Committee is delegated the responsibility to oversee the Association’s “Labor Representation” and “Enhanced Legal Services (ELS)” Programs, established by the Association’s Board of Directors (Resolutions BR2015-003 and BR2015-006). Collectively, these two policies govern the provision of labor representation and related legal services to the SLOCEA membership, for matters that arise out of the course and scope of our members’ public employment.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee oversees current finances and directs reserve fund investments. Present and recommend long term financial goals to the Board of Directors for approval.
Political Action Committee
The Political Action Committee reviews ballot measures and candidates that could impact public employees and act as the liaison with lobbyists in Sacramento.
Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee review, update and correct SLOCEA’s existing and present recommended changes to the SLOCEA Board of Directors for approval.
Academic Scholarship Committee
The Academic Scholarship Committee review, rate and award academic scholarships. Responsible for publicity and promotion of scholarship availability and announcement of scholarship recipients.
Summer Childcare Committee
The Summer Childcare Committee review, rate and reimburse summer child care expenses. Responsible for publicity and promotion of the program.
Member Benefit Committee
The Member Benefit Committee shall review and decide on members’ requests for financial assistance due to an unforeseen emergency situation. Responsible for increasing the awareness of this program.
Communications Committee
The purpose of the Communications Committee is to conduct research and studies, and then make strategic communication recommendations to the Board, which impact important areas of the Association's operations.
Member Appreciation Committee
The Member Appreciation Committee oversees, manages and administers the Association's Recognition and Awards Program, which recognizes Association members who have distinguished themselves by their positive contributions.