Adding to SLOCEA’s Leadership Team

This past month we have had several members step up into new leadership positions filling vacant seats on our Board of Directors as well as the Steward Committee. Three new Directors were recently appointed to the SLOCEA Board of Directors.


Kathleen Curtis-Ames is a Legal Clerk for the Sheriff’s Department, stationed at the Coast Station in Los Osos and has worked for the County for more than 18 years. In 2018, Kathleen was appointed to the Steward Committee and served as a Strike Team Captain for Team #28. Known for jumping in to help where needed, Kathleen has been a long-standing and strong grass roots advocate for the Sheriff’s Legal Clerks. In September we were seeking members to assist in counting ratification ballots and Kathleen was one of the first to volunteer. Knowing there was of a vacancy on the Board for the Clerical bargaining unit, Kathleen submitted a Letter of Interest and at the November Board meeting was appointment to fill Seat #13. We are so happy to have Kathleen on board. 


Garrett Frice is an Employment Resource Specialist for the Department of Social Services and has been employed with the County for two years. In March, Garrett was appointed to the Steward Committee and in a very short time has demonstrated his commitment to SLOCEA. Garrett decided to take the next step in the union’s leadership by submitting a Letter of Interest to serve on the Board f Directors. At the November Board of Directors meeting, Garrett was appointed to the Board to fill Seat #8 for the Public Services bargaining unit. We look forward to benefitting from Garrett’s enthusiasm and strong advocacy.   


Robert St. Cyr is a Public Works Worker IV in Major Maintenance for the Transportation division of the Public Works Department and has worked for the County for 8½ years. In January, Robert contacted the SLOCEA office eager to learn more about the upcoming negotiations process and voiced his interest in serving on the Trades Negotiating Committee. Shortly thereafter Robert was elected to the Trades Negotiating Team and his knowledge of the collective bargaining process flourished! Robert attended our in-person General Membership meeting in October to learn more about the SLOCEA organization. Right after that he requested to serve on the Board of Directors and in November was appointed to the vacant At Large Seat #18. Welcome aboard Robert!


Our Newest Steward

Mitch Wallravin is the night shift Supervising Custodian for Public Works and has worked for the County for 5½ years. Mitch has several times reached out to SLOCEA seeking information for himself and coworkers during the pandemic and the most recent negotiations cycle. Sensing an interest in learning more about SLOCEA, we thought a Steward position was a great step for Mitch to take in educating him about the association and ways to serve our members. Mitch was quick to fulfill the requirements to become a Steward and was appointed to the Committee by the Board of Directors at the November meeting. We appreciate Mitch’s organization and follow through and know he will be a great addition to the Steward Committee.  


Theresa Schultz

Senior Labor Representative


Due Process Rights


Directors Sworn in at Annual Membership Meeting