Read the SLOCEA blog for news and updates on what’s happening with your local, independent labor union.

New Option for Negotiating Team Candidates
The Board of Directors has passed a resolution to allow candidates for the Negotiating Team who cannot attend the October General Membership meeting to present their nomination candidacy via Zoom on an alternative date.

Welcoming New Director, Ryan Barney!
SLOCEA is excited to welcome Ryan Barney as the newest member of the SLOCEA Board of Directors. Ryan was sworn in to seat #19 At-Large at the Board of Directors meeting on June 19, 2024…

Introducing New Board Director, Jeannette Saenz
SLOCEA is thrilled to have Jeannette Sanez join our Board of Directors in seat #5, BU 01 Public Services, having been sworn in at the Board of Directors meeting on May 15, 2024.

Welcoming a New Director to the Board of SLOCEA: Katya Goodman
We are happy to welcome Katya Goodman as the newest member of the SLOCEA Board of Directors.

Introducing SLOCEA’s New President
It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that SLOCEA announces that Nate Larsen has been appointed the new President of the Board of Directors.

2023 General Membership Meeting
The 2023 Annual General Membership Meeting was held on October 18, 2023 at the Grange Hall in San Luis Obispo.

Welcoming SLOCEA’s New President
SLOCEA would like to reintroduce you to Emily Landis, the newly appointed President of the Association. We have no doubt that Emily will do a remarkable job in filling this position. We have already seen her outgoing, upbeat, and can-do attitude since she assumed the Presidency in March.

Adding to SLOCEA’s Leadership Team
This past month we have had several members step up into new leadership positions filling vacant seats on our Board of Directors as well as the Steward Committee…

Directors Sworn in at Annual Membership Meeting
Returning Directors were sworn in at the annual general membership meeting…

2022 General Membership Meeting
SLOCEA held the 2022 Annual General Membership Meeting on October 19, 2022.

New BOD and Steward Appointments
At the March 16th SLOCEA Board of Directors meeting, the Board appointed Rosario Depew to the Board of Directors, seat #6 and Garrett Frice to the Steward Committee…