Biometric Health Screenings

The County is excited to resume Biometric Health Screenings! New for 2023, the County is offering a $50 digital gift card incentive to the first 500 employees who participate in these screenings.

What is a Biometric Health Screening?

A Biometric Health Screening is a clinical screening which measures certain physical characteristics to provide a snapshot of your overall health. For these screenings, you will receive a blood draw. The blood draw will measure the following:

  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC) Panel

  2. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

  3. Lipid Panel

A CBC Panel can be used to identify certain health conditions, like infections, anemia, diseases of the immune system, or blood cancers. The CMP tests for diabetes, kidney disease, and liver disease. The Lipid Panel is used to screen for cardiovascular diseases. Together, these three panels will help to provide a baseline of your overall health.


The Incentive Program

The County is providing a $50 digital gift card to those who complete the Biometric Health Screening blood draw and meet with the Employee Health Clinic (EHC) provider to review your results. Upon completing both requirements, you will be sent an electronic gift card, valued at $50, from Tango. The email will include instructions on how to redeem your $50 digital gift card. For more information on the Incentive program, visit the MySLO Biometric Health Screenings webpage.  


Appointment Process

Here is what you can expect the appointment process to look like:

  1. Schedule your appointment online.

  2. Put your appointment on your calendar!

  3. Attend your appointment.

    • Appointments take roughly 10-15 minutes and include a blood draw.

  4. Schedule your follow-up appointment.

    • Your follow-up appointment can be at the Employee Health Clinic or via telephone call.

  5. Attend your follow-up appointment.

    • At your follow-up appointment, you will review the results of the blood draw.

  6. Receive your $50 digital gift card.


How to Schedule an Appointment

The County is hosting several screenings throughout the year at various County locations. Visit the MySLO Biometric Health Screening webpage for a direct sign-up link and the access code.


Below is a list of appointment dates/times/locations for June.

  • June 14, 2023 from 10 am – 2 pm at the New Government Center, SLO

  • June 21, 2023 from 9:30 am – 11:30 am and 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm at the Employee Health Clinic, SLO

  • June 28, 2023 from 10 am – 2 pm at the Department of Social Services, Paso Robles

  • July 12, 2023 from 10 am – 2 pm at the Atascadero Library

More appointment dates and locations are available on the County’s MySLO webpage.

Not available those dates, no problem! You may also schedule an appointment at the Employee Health Clinic. Visit or call (805) 754-2037 to select a time/date that is most convenient for you. 

Scout Bidleman

Scout is a Benefits Coordinator for the County of San Luis Obispo who frequently contributes to the County Blade and SLOCEA’s Blog!


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