Two More Stewards Appointed!

We are so pleased to announce that at the May 17 SLOCEA Board of Directors meeting, two new Stewards were appointed to the Steward Committee.


Bailey Olsen is an Employment Resource Specialist II for the Department of Social Services. Bailey works at the Atascadero office and has worked for the County for over two years. Bailey is smart and enthusiastic and is sure to make a great addition to the Steward Committee.


Thomas McGarvey is an Employment Resource Specialist III for the Department of Social Services. Thomas works at Paso Robles office and has worked for the County for 2½ years. It has been a while since we have had a Steward representative at the Paso Office so we are excited to have Thomas fill that role.

Do you have a Steward in your worksite? Would you like to find out more about serving as a Steward? There are many underrepresented departments, and we are seeking Stewards to fill spots in departments where there are currently few or no Stewards. The table below shows County departments and lists the current number of SLOCEA represented employees in each department. Next to that column is the number of corresponding Stewards in the department or division and the percentage that it represents.

As you can see, there are large departments that are underrepresented such as Behavioral Health. Any department that is under a 2% ratio would be well served by having more Stewards… or at least one.

Serving as a Steward is a great way to learn more about your rights as a public employee. Stewards also help SLOCEA by making the membership better educated and more informed on important matters related to their jobs. Having a Steward in a department or division makes it more effective for the membership when SLOCEA is meeting and conferring over matters such as job classification revisions and policy updates.

If you are a SLOCEA member and work in one of the represented departments below that is below the 2% threshold, please consider serving as a Steward. It is an great opportunity to learn about public employment, benefits, rights, what SLOCEA can do for you and so much more! Contact our office at 805-543-2021. 

Theresa Schultz

Theresa Schultz is SLOCEA’s Senior Labor Representative. With over 12 years of labor representation experience, she brings sage counsel, strong advocacy and a wealth of historical knowledge to every member interaction.


Biometric Health Screenings


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