“SLO County Is Lucky To Have A Strong Advocate Like SLOCEA”

Last September, after 7 years with the County and 3 years as a steward and member of SLOCEA’s Board of Directors, I left San Luis Obispo and moved closer to friends and family in the Sacramento area. My time living close to my loved ones has been phenomenal. I am so happy to have a village of unconditional support here. I definitely miss the perfect central coast weather and the smiling faces of my friends at the SLO County Assessor’s Office. After working for the past year in a position represented by a very large union I have been reflecting on my time as a member of SLOCEA.

My union has over 18,000 due paying members, 70 people on its payroll and it is headquartered in San Francisco. I received a welcome letter after authorizing my payroll deduction for dues and now receive a biyearly newsletter. My representatives do not live in my community or work alongside me. They are not easily reachable.

SLOCEA is a true gem in the modern world. Pat, Theresa, and Brooke answer members' calls directly and respond to emails promptly. They are ready to assist with any issue brought to them, no matter how large or small. The team fiercely represents their members at the bargaining table, in investigative interviews, with disciplinary issues and grievances. The level of personalized service received from SLOCEA’s team is unique and invaluable. They care about each one of their members and fight for them. They want to keep everyone informed and do an amazing job of it through the portal, email blasts, social media, and the Blade. There is nothing else quite like this outside of San Luis Obispo County and I miss having such strong and accessible representatives.

The completely volunteer Board of Directors and Steward Committee is another astonishing difference I am reflecting upon. These board members and stewards choose to spend their free time to improve the work life of their colleagues. They all have families and commitments outside of work but still take on this job with no compensation. Instead of complaining about what they think SLOCEA is doing wrong they choose to be a part of the solution and take action! They see you every day and know first-hand what the membership needs and deserves. They administer programs that benefit the members and their families like the summer child care reimbursement and the academic scholarship. They sit on countless SLOCEA committees and spend their free time clearly and concisely answering questions for members. They advocate for their colleagues and make San Luis Obispo County better every day. I was so fortunate to know and learn from them.

After a year with a large labor organization, I can confidently say that San Luis Obispo County is so lucky to have a strong advocate like SLOCEA! They do so much more than negotiate a contract every few years, they have your back when you need them. It was an amazing and educational experience volunteering my time with SLOCEA and I encourage those interested to do so too! I miss you all and wish you all the best in this negotiation cycle!


Jennifer Carter

Former Treasurer/Secretary

SLOCEA Board of Directors


SLOCEA History: February 1988 Interview with Eva Hurd, a SLOCEA Pioneer


Thank You, Pat, For Eight Years Of Steadfast Leadership