Thank You, Pat, For Eight Years Of Steadfast Leadership

In April 2014, SLOCEA was transitioning to our new General Manager Pat McNamara. At that time, I had just 2½ years under my belt as SLOCEA’s Field Representative and was still extremely green. In my May 2014 County Blade article, while bidding adieu to outgoing GM Kimm Daniels and welcoming Pat, I wrote, “I am confident in the future of SLOCEA and in the qualifications, experience, and knowledge that has come to us in the new leadership that Pat McNamara brings.”

Pat McNamara on the picket lines during the 2018 SLOCEA strike

Little did I know then what a significant impact Pat would make on this organization. Pat took the reins in May 2014 and in his eight plus years as General Manager, elevated this organization to new heights and in turn introduced me to a wealth of knowledge in labor relations.

Without a doubt I can say that Pat is the best manager I have ever worked for. He is compassionate, flexible, understanding and empathetic. He has a strong work ethic, is organized, has an amazing memory, is articulate, has a calm in demeanor, passionate in his work and is very smart! Moreover, Pat is a humble man. All that combined made for a great leader for SLOCEA.

When Pat came on board, the SLOCEA operation was streamlined and modernized. Hundreds of current and past member files, reports, and documentation were scanned to digitalize files, making it quick and easy to find information. He created OneNote notebooks for all SLOCEA committees, reducing paper and eliminating bulky binders so committee information stored “in the cloud” is easily accessed with the added ability to store significant current and archived data.

Pat has always stood firm in his position of doing all he could to make sure that the rights of members were protected. This included the filing and adjudication of 12 charges with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) against actions taken by several agencies with SLOCEA represented employees. He established an Enhanced Legal Services Program that affords our members the opportunity to be represented by an attorney in administrative hearings before an arbitrator or the Civil Service Commission. He has negotiated numerous successor agreements for the Superior Court, the Los Osos CSD and the County with vigilance and grace. Pat also led SLOCEA in a historical, first ever strike of County employees in December 2018, with efficiency, organization, and effectiveness. Under Pat’s keen, fiduciary leadership SLOCEA has become financially sound and solid, and the organization professional and strong.

Pat has remained steadfast for eight plus years as our General Manager and will be greatly missed. However, his legacy through the contributions he made and his efforts on behalf of the membership will live on.

Former U.S. Senator and Basketball Hall of Famer Bill Bradly is quoted as saying, “Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better.” Thank you, Pat for being my foundational rock. You were always available to consult with and provided sound advice. For that and so much more I am eternally grateful. Enjoy retirement and God Bless! - Theresa


Theresa Schultz

Senior Labor Representative


“SLO County Is Lucky To Have A Strong Advocate Like SLOCEA”


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