Welcoming a New Director to the Board of SLOCEA: Katya Goodman

We are happy to welcome Katya Goodman as the newest member of the SLOCEA Board of Directors. Katya has been a member and an employee of SLO County since 2018, working for Public Health before becoming a Property Transfer Technician for the Assessor’s Office in 2023. A fierce advocate for worker’s rights, Katya said in her application for appointment to the Board:

“I believe wholeheartedly in the importance and power of unions to provide critical protections for workers and advocate for fair treatment in accordance with State and Federal law, as well as fair compensation for the work we do. We know, unfortunately, that there are laws in place to protect workers that are not always followed. Thus, there are circumstances in which workers need advocacy, support, and guidance.

As a member of the Board, I will seek to further the cause of SLOCEA, advocate for fair treatment and fair wages, and be a voice for those who cannot or fear speaking for themselves. My goal is to increase staff involvement through education of SLOCEA’s role and special benefits and take an active part in the next upcoming negotiation round for County staff compensation. During my time with the County, I needed assistance from SLOCEA labor representatives and found their knowledge and service invaluable. I would be honored by the opportunity to serve as a Board Member, and I will ensure the continuance of this union and further the noble cause of advocacy in any way necessary.”

Katya completed her Board training with flying colors before being appointed and sworn in at the January Board of Directors Meeting. We are confident that Katya will prove an invaluable asset to the Association, and we look forward to her future as a part of SLOCEA’s leadership.

Welcome Katya, we’re so happy to have you on board!


By Theresa Schultz, Senior Labor Representative


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