Important Updates to SLOCEA Bylaws: Negotiating Teams

SLOCEA is pleased to inform our members about the recent updates to our bylaws, specifically focusing on the section governing our Negotiating Committee. These changes aim to enhance clarity, improve representation, and streamline our collective bargaining process. This bylaws amendment was recommended to the Board of Directors by the Bylaws Committee and was approved unanimously by the Board during the June Board meeting.

While many smaller updates were made to the bylaws, the most significant changes impact the composition of and nomination to the Negotiating Team, by eliminating the Negotiating Committees and moving to a more efficient and criteria-based process. These modifications were made to ensure fair representation, more efficient operations, and to align with our commitment to democratic processes within the Association.

Details of the Updates

The former process for compiling the Negotiating Teams consisted of nominations to a “Negotiating Committee”, who then selected the team from among their ranks. This process did not take into account past experience or qualifications of the candidates and did not ensure an equitable selection process.  

Our new process ensures all candidates have an equal opportunity to have their candidacy considered and establishes a system in which the Association may assemble a team of qualified individuals to represent the membership at the negotiating table.

Negotiating Team Composition

While the team composition for some SLOCEA represented units has been established in their respective MOU’s, that was not the case for all SLOCEA units. To ensure that there is consistency for all SLOCEA members, a set structure has been established in the updated bylaws.

  • Big Unit (BU01, BU05, BU13): The Big Unit Team is composed of six seats including the President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and one representative each from BU01, BU05, and BU13. If an Officer is not a member of one of these bargaining units, their seat is declared open and filled by a unit member.

  • Trades, Crafts, and Services (BU02): The Trades Team consists of five seats, including the President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and two unit member seats. As with the Big Unit, if an Officer is not  a member of BU02, their seat is declared open and filled by a member in the Trades Crafts and Services unit.

  • California Superior Court Supervisory Unit (BU19): The team has one seat, prioritized for the Director from BU19. If no Director is available, the position is filled following the regular nomination process.

  • Los Osos Community Services District: The team has two seats, one for office staff and one for water yard staff, with priority given to the Director from the unit.

Nomination and Appointment to the Negotiating Team

Bylaws Article X, Section 4 excerpt

“The year prior to the expiration of the MOU, the period for open nominations shall be announced by electronic notification no later than September 1 and will also be included in the September issue of the County Blade.

All nomination forms must be submitted to the Association no later than 5:00 PM on the second Wednesday of October. Nominees are then required to make an oral presentation at the October Board of Directors meeting to present their nomination.

After the conclusion of the October Board of Directors meeting, the Association President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer, in consultation with the Executive Director, shall review the nominations for the open seat on the Negotiating Teams for their respective units.

Such nominees shall conform with the following criteria:

I. Nominee must be an Association member in good standing for at least one year prior to nomination period close date.

 II. Nominee must demonstrate an ability and inclination to place the interests of the bargaining unit membership ahead of their own personal interests.

 III. Preferential consideration shall be given to nominees who demonstrate a commitment and record of service to the Association membership. Examples: Directors, Stewards, committee members, previous Negotiating Team experience, etc.

IV. Nominees with training or experience which is germane to subject matter that is expected to be addressed at the Negotiating Table shall be given further weighting in the nomination process.

Once the Officers select the nominees for appointment, the confirmation of appointments will be placed on the agenda for the November Board of Directors meeting. All nominees shall require the approval of the Board of Directors, by majority vote, for confirmation to a Negotiating Team.

Once confirmed, the Negotiating Team members will be notified, and an announcement will be made to the membership in the December issue of the County Blade.”

Filling Team Vacancies

In the former process, there wasn’t clear direction on filling vacancies on the team mid-cycle. Language has been added to ensure transparency and equity in the process.

Per the updated bylaws, vacancies are filled at the discretion of the Association President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer, in consultation with the Executive Director, using the list of interested nominees maintained throughout the term of the contract.

Tentative Agreements and Ratification

No changes were made to this process. Tentative agreements reached are submitted for Board approval and then presented to the membership for ratification. The ratification process is conducted by secret ballot in a manner approved by the Board of Directors. A majority vote (50%+1) of responding affected members is required for ratification.

Implications and Benefits

These updates bring several benefits:

  • Enhanced Representation: Clear guidelines for team composition ensure diverse and fair representation across all units.

  • Structured Process: The nomination and appointment process promotes transparency and member engagement.

  • Streamlined Negotiations: Defined roles and responsibilities lead to more efficient and effective negotiation processes.

Members interested in serving on the Negotiating Team for the upcoming MOU cycle in 2025 should review the updated bylaws and criteria for serving. These can be found on the SLOCEA website or by clicking HERE. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please reach out by email or call the SLOCEA office at 805-543-2021.

We believe these changes will significantly strengthen our collective bargaining efforts and look forward to your active participation and support!



Emily Landis

Executive Director


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