Read the SLOCEA blog for news and updates on what’s happening with your local, independent labor union.

Upcoming Health Care Committee Meeting

Upcoming Health Care Committee Meeting

Every year in May and July, Human Resources staff meet with the Health Care Committee, made up of representatives from each of the County’s bargaining units. On July 9, 2024, the County will hold its second Health Care Committee meeting with the representatives and will be providing their 2025 Renewal Presentation, which should include renewal rates for January 2025…

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The Crucial Role of Interactive Process Meetings in ADA Accommodations
Labor Representation Emily Landis Labor Representation Emily Landis

The Crucial Role of Interactive Process Meetings in ADA Accommodations

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a cornerstone of workers' rights, ensuring that employees with disabilities (both temporary and permanent) receive reasonable accommodations to perform their jobs effectively. Labor unions play a pivotal role in advocating for these rights, particularly during the interactive process meeting—a collaborative effort between employers and employees to find reasonable accommodations….

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Enhancing the Representational Rights of Temporary Employees
Labor Representation Theresa Schultz Labor Representation Theresa Schultz

Enhancing the Representational Rights of Temporary Employees

AB 1484 gives temporary workers of public sector agencies the right to form, join, and be represented by an employee organization such as SLOCEA while bolstering bargaining rights of temporary employees. It also represents a significant win for labor advocates and temporary public workers across the state as they are now given an avenue to advocate for more secure employment for temporary workers.

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Civil Service Rules Change Progress
Labor Representation Emily Landis Labor Representation Emily Landis

Civil Service Rules Change Progress

Every few years, County Human Resources and the Civil Service Commissioners (CSC) request to meet and confer with all the County’s recognized employee associations (unions) to review the CSC rules for changes. This last occurred in 2021, with the various parties making different proposals for rule changes. On November 3, 2021, SLOCEA proposed a change ….

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Due Process Rights
Labor Representation Guest User Labor Representation Guest User

Due Process Rights

As a public employee with permanent status, you have property rights to your job and rights to due process in formal disciplinary matters wherein you would suffer monetarily. According to law, due process must be provided prior to a state or local government terminating, suspending, demoting, or reducing the pay of an employee, who has a vested property interest in his or her job.

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Am I “On Call”??
Labor Representation Emily Landis Labor Representation Emily Landis

Am I “On Call”??

We all know that anytime you are doing work for your employer you must be compensated. However, some employees don’t realize that they also need to be compensated if they are off duty but required to be available to respond to unforeseen issues…

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