Read the SLOCEA blog for news and updates on what’s happening with your local, independent labor union.

New Year, New Contracts: Preparing for the Next Round of Negotiations
As the new year unfolds, so does an opportunity to prepare for what lies ahead in 2025: the next round of collective bargaining. In the coming year, SLOCEA will be at the bargaining table for the Trades and Big Units at the County, as well as Unit 19 at the Superior Court...

Celebrating Progress, Preparing for the Future
As the year comes to an end, it’s a natural time to reflect on what we’ve achieved together and consider what lies ahead. For SLOCEA, 2024 was a year of progress and collaboration, thanks to the commitment and engagement of our members…

The Power of Your Vote: Register Today!
As union members, you understand the power of collective action. Whether advocating for better wages, safer working conditions, or comprehensive benefits, your voice and vote have shaped the labor landscape for generations. Yet, one of the most powerful tools at your disposal is your vote...

Important Updates to SLOCEA Bylaws: Negotiating Teams
SLOCEA is pleased to inform our members about the recent updates to our bylaws, specifically focusing on the section governing our Negotiating Committee. These changes aim to enhance clarity, improve representation, and streamline our collective bargaining process…

Recognizing the Achievements of the Los Osos Water Recycling Facility
The Los Osos Water Recycling Facility was recently named the 2023 Small Plant of the Year by the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) for the facility's accomplishments in compliance, innovative practices, cost effectiveness, and superior plant performance…

Celebrating Women’s History Month: Women and Labor Activism
As March marks National Women's History Month, it's an opportune time to reflect on the often-overlooked contributions of women to the labor movement.

Unity in Struggle: The Interconnected History of Civil Rights and Labor Movements
American history is shaped by pivotal movements that stood against injustice. The Civil Rights Movement and the Labor Movement, prominent in the mid-20th century, share a common path toward equality, fairness, and human dignity.

Introducing New SLOCEA Executive Director Emily Landis
The SLOCEA Board of Directors is thrilled to reintroduce you to Emily Landis, our newly appointed Executive Director.