Read the SLOCEA blog for news and updates on what’s happening with your local, independent labor union.
Advocacy in Action: More than a Mission Statement
SLOCEA’s primary objective regarding representation is to ensure the fair treatment of our members. We safeguard members’ rights in accordance with their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU/Contract), the rules of the Civil Service Commission, policies, County Code and state and federal laws.
Annual Labor Report
Annual Labor Report for the period of October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023.
Job Specification Revisions: Legal Clerks
On July 10, 2023, County Human Resources (HR) notified SLOCEA that HR and the departments with Legal Clerks identified the need to revise the Legal Clerk and Supervising Legal Clerk (SLC) job specifications. The primary intent was to …
What if I Don’t Agree with my Evaluation?
One of the frequent questions we field at SLOCEA has to do with the employee performance evaluation. The annual evaluation is a review of your work performance for a one-year period of time and is part of your official employment record, and it’s an important document that is maintained in your permanent personnel file.
Knowing Your MOU: Vacations, Personal Leave & Floating Holidays
It’s summertime and while kids are out of school and the weather is heating up, vacations are on the minds of many of us. I thought this would be a good time to review some of the sections of the MOUs that are pertinent to everyone and a little bit different depending on their bargaining unit and MOU.
Civil Service Rules Change Progress
Every few years, County Human Resources and the Civil Service Commissioners (CSC) request to meet and confer with all the County’s recognized employee associations (unions) to review the CSC rules for changes. This last occurred in 2021, with the various parties making different proposals for rule changes. On November 3, 2021, SLOCEA proposed a change ….
What is a Grievance?
A grievance is a formalized, written complaint lodged by an employee against their employer if the employee has been negatively affected and has not had success at informally remedying the problem or issue.
Due Process Rights
As a public employee with permanent status, you have property rights to your job and rights to due process in formal disciplinary matters wherein you would suffer monetarily. According to law, due process must be provided prior to a state or local government terminating, suspending, demoting, or reducing the pay of an employee, who has a vested property interest in his or her job.
Your Rights in an Investigative Interview
The Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) has held that when an employer conducts an investigatory interview to investigate allegations of misconduct against an employee, the union has the right to reasonable notice of the alleged wrongdoing in advance of the interview.
Labor Terms to Know
Since SLOCEA and the County are in the throws of negotiations for a successor agreement, this seemed like a good time to further clarify some of the labor terms and jargon that you may be reading on the Member Portal…
Am I “On Call”??
We all know that anytime you are doing work for your employer you must be compensated. However, some employees don’t realize that they also need to be compensated if they are off duty but required to be available to respond to unforeseen issues…
Grievance Procedures
A grievance is a formal complaint lodged by an employee against their employer. There are various ways for employees to settle informal and formal disputes and address complaints with their employer, and every agency that SLOCEA represents handles it a little differently. However, all agencies have a specific grievance process and varying timelines for filing a formal grievance…
Annual Performance Evaluations
The annual performance evaluation is a review of your work performance for a one-year period of time and is part of your official employment record, so it’s an important document that is maintained in your permanent personnel file…
What is an Interactive Process under the ADA?
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) prohibit discrimination of an employee’s disability and mandate employers to participate in a good faith Interactive Process with the employee…