Read the SLOCEA blog for news and updates on what’s happening with your local, independent labor union.
2025 Negotiating Teams Appointed by the Board of Directors
The SLOCEA Board of Directors has officially appointed the 2025 Negotiating Teams! Review the selection process and meet the Teams…
New Option for Negotiating Team Candidates
The Board of Directors has passed a resolution to allow candidates for the Negotiating Team who cannot attend the October General Membership meeting to present their nomination candidacy via Zoom on an alternative date.
Side Letter Ratified for Unit 19 at San Luis Obispo Superior Court
SLOCEA is pleased to announce that a one year extension side-letter has been ratified by Unit 19, Supervisors at the San Luis Obispo Superior Court of California...
Nominations OPEN for 2025 Negotiating Teams
Interested in serving on SLOCEA's Negotiating Teams for the County bargaining units? The nomination period for the 2025 Negotiating Teams is now open! Check out the article for more information and the nomination form.
Collective Bargaining Update: LOCSD
After five negotiation sessions and numerous proposals and email exchanges, a tentative agreement was reached between SLOCEA and the Los Osos Community Services District on March 11, 2024, signaling a significant milestone in the negotiation process.
Job Specification Revisions: Legal Clerks
On July 10, 2023, County Human Resources (HR) notified SLOCEA that HR and the departments with Legal Clerks identified the need to revise the Legal Clerk and Supervising Legal Clerk (SLC) job specifications. The primary intent was to …
County Negotiations are Concluded!
On August 29, 2022, the SLOCEA Negotiating Teams and SLO County reached tentative agreements for successor Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) for the Trades, Crafts and Services Unit (bargaining unit 02) and the Big Unit. …
2022 Collective Bargaining Update
The collective bargaining season is off and running for 2022. Accordingly, SLOCEA is now at the bargaining table with two different employers on behalf of represented bargaining units…
Member Survey Update: Collective Bargaining
Our thanks and gratitude to all members who took the time out of their busy lives, to complete and return the pre-negotiations surveys recently sent to home addresses. Although the results of the surveys were still being compiled at press time, the high level of member participation was notable…