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Setting Straight Common Misconceptions About Pensions
Pension Trust Emily Landis Pension Trust Emily Landis

Setting Straight Common Misconceptions About Pensions

When it comes to pensions, there are plenty of myths floating around. It’s easy to get lost in a sea of misinformation, especially when the topic is as important (and sometimes complex) as your pension and retirement. Let’s set the record straight on some of these common misconceptions and bring a little clarity—and maybe even a smile—to your pension planning…

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Step Into Retirement Benefits FAQ: Part One
Pension Trust Katie Girardi Pension Trust Katie Girardi

Step Into Retirement Benefits FAQ: Part One

Step into the Retirement Benefits FAQ Section, the first installment of a two-part series. Whether you're navigating your pension plan, planning for retirement, or considering your options post-retirement, these segments are designed to provide answers to common questions and help clarify any uncertainties you may have about your retirement benefits.

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What Happens When I Die?
Pension Trust Emily Landis Pension Trust Emily Landis

What Happens When I Die?

No, this article is not about deep matters of philosophy or religious belief. That’s above our pay-grade here at the SLO County Pension Trust (SLOCPT). What it is about is the need of our Members to know how to care for their loved ones by having their pension matters well in hand before they die…

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The 2023 Economy: Are We in a Recession?
Pension Trust Carl Nelson Pension Trust Carl Nelson

The 2023 Economy: Are We in a Recession?

Normally in this column we write about topics specific to the Pension Trust and your Retirement Plan. But some of the interesting things we get to see while managing the $1.6 billion in investments for the SLOCPT are the economic commentaries from a lot of great sources. We thought we might share a few snippets of what we have been seeing lately…

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