Read the SLOCEA blog for news and updates on what’s happening with your local, independent labor union.

What Happens When I Die?
Pension Trust Emily Landis Pension Trust Emily Landis

What Happens When I Die?

No, this article is not about deep matters of philosophy or religious belief. That’s above our pay-grade here at the SLO County Pension Trust (SLOCPT). What it is about is the need of our Members to know how to care for their loved ones by having their pension matters well in hand before they die…

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Unions Taking Action for Members Across America
Political Action Emily Landis Political Action Emily Landis

Unions Taking Action for Members Across America

With Hollywood’s screenwriters and actors on strike together for the first time since 1960, shutting down the production of nearly all major movie and television projects, organized labor is once again a topic of conversation for many Americans. While the Writers and Actors Guilds make up a small slice of unionized workers in America, there are over 14 million union members in the United States, representing more than 10% of all wage and salary workers...

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California has a New Budget, but Needs to Do More
Political Action Emily Landis Political Action Emily Landis

California has a New Budget, but Needs to Do More

The California Legislature has passed, and Governor Gavin Newsom has signed, a $310.8 billion budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Key provisions of the new budget are an 8.22% cost-of-living adjustment for public school teachers, $1 billion to help local governments address homelessness, and $5.1 billion to be spent the next four years on public transportation…

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The Wild Ride Ahead: A Primer for the 2024 Election
Political Action Brian Floyd Political Action Brian Floyd

The Wild Ride Ahead: A Primer for the 2024 Election

By this time next summer both the Democratic and Republican political parties will be preparing to go full bore into the campaigns for the November 2024 Election. At this stage it appears that the United States will see a rematch between the incumbent 46th president, Joe Biden, and the former 45th president, Donald Trump. Yet we are still a long way from that matchup taking place, if it even shapes up.

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2023 Academic Scholarship Awards
Member Benefits Emily Landis Member Benefits Emily Landis

2023 Academic Scholarship Awards

It is truly SLOCEA’s honor to award Academic Scholarships. This year we received seventeen outstanding applications - each extremely impressive and certainly worthy of special recognition for all their hard work and dedication. SLOCEA’s Academic Scholarship Committee awarded seven Academic Scholarships and ten Academic Awards….

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Civil Service Rules Change Progress
Labor Representation Emily Landis Labor Representation Emily Landis

Civil Service Rules Change Progress

Every few years, County Human Resources and the Civil Service Commissioners (CSC) request to meet and confer with all the County’s recognized employee associations (unions) to review the CSC rules for changes. This last occurred in 2021, with the various parties making different proposals for rule changes. On November 3, 2021, SLOCEA proposed a change ….

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Kristin Smart Case - SLOCEA Members Involvement
Public Service Spotlight Briana Dickey Public Service Spotlight Briana Dickey

Kristin Smart Case - SLOCEA Members Involvement

The Kristin Smart case has shaken SLO County for two and a half decades. But on March 10, 2023, the Smart family finally got the conviction they had been waiting on all these years. The “It takes a village!” proverb couldn’t ring any truer when it comes to this case. Thanks to many experts, county officials, law enforcement, reporters, and the unwavering commitment of community members, Kristin’s murderer, Paul Flores, will now be confined behind bars for the next 25 years.

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